Michelle Smith

kids in a classroom

Back to school

Back-to-school is usually a time full of mixed emotions. Some kids feel low that their summer break is over, and they have to get back to responsibilities. Others might be excited and anxious about new classes or making new friends.

family walking in the woods

Family Matters

Every parent wishes their child to grow up to be a happy and well-adjusted person. We try to do our best to provide our children with the best facilities, nutrition, education, entertainment, and parenting. But one crucial factor is often overlooked; children until adulthood need time and attention from their parents. The importance of healthy interaction with your children cannot be underestimated as it has a substantial impact on the child’s social, emotional, and behavioral maturity.

children playing on playground

The Power of Play

Unstructured play is essential to a child’s healthy development. It contributes to their cognitive, emotional, social, and physical well-being. The role of play is so vital that it’s considered by the United Nations(UN) as the fundamental of every child. And summer is the time where your child needs to use their imagination and engage in physical activities instead of sitting in front of a screen or being subjected to a hectic schedule.

black and white feet on the beach

Summertime and Mental Health

Every year summer break brings an opportunity for children to untangle from their daily responsibilities and get relief from their school grind. While this sudden lifestyle change might be comforting and exciting for some, it can have the opposite impact on others.

close up of kids toys

Children and Divorce

A divorce is a challenging and highly stressful experience not only for parents but for whole members of the family. It can be especially hard for children because they are experiencing a massive change in their family dynamic. Many negative emotions are involved, and to children, it can seem as if their whole world has turned upside down.

black and white walking on water at beach

Childhood Hoarding

Do you often see huge piles of things spread all over the place when you enter your child’s room? Receipts, plastic bags, trash, magazines, toys, clothes, etc., are all lying around, even to the extent that it can be challenging to walk around comfortably. It is typical for children to have clutter in their room, but often consistently accumulating things and resisting to let go of them can be a sign of hoarding.

crayons lined up in color order

OCD in Children

While it is normal for children to be worried about a number of things as they grow up, but if it becomes persistent and makes them do something repeatedly to feel safe, even sometimes without their own will, then it could mean that they are suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder.

half eaten ice cream cone

Emotional Neglect

Childhood plays a significant role in shaping the overall personality of a person. When the phrase ‘bad childhood’ comes up, we often think of shouting, physical violence, sexual abuse, lack of resources or absence of parents, etc. In some cases, children may not experience any taunting, shouting, or physical abuse— everything seems just right with their upbringing. But the problems they face later in life make it clear that the wounds they carried were psychological, and one big reason is emotional neglect.

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