Mental Health Counseling

Support students and educators with our fully-virtual mental health services, including counseling, group therapy, and crisis intervention.

Individual Counseling

Our virtual counseling services provide a secure and confidential environment where students can connect with licensed mental health professionals. Through one-on-one sessions conducted via video calls, students receive personalized support tailored to their individual needs.

During these sessions, students engage in activities such as talk therapy, cognitive-behavioral techniques, mindfulness practices, and goal setting, all designed to help them manage their mental health effectively.

Students who participate in our virtual counseling can expect improved emotional well-being, enhanced coping skills, better academic performance, increased self-awareness, and a supportive environment to express themselves.

Group Counseling

Our virtual group counseling sessions provide a supportive and collaborative environment where students can connect with peers facing similar challenges, guided by a licensed mental health professional.

These sessions involve activities such as group discussions, peer support exercises, skill-building workshops, and collaborative problem-solving, all aimed at fostering a sense of community and shared understanding.

Students who participate in our virtual group counseling can expect to develop social support networks, improve communication skills, enhance emotional resilience, gain diverse perspectives, and build a stronger sense of belonging.

Crisis Intervention

Our crisis intervention services are designed to provide immediate support for students experiencing a crisis situation. While we offer initial virtual support, our counselors work directly with school staff to ensure that in-person assistance is promptly available.

In crisis situations, our counselors coordinate communication between the school, parents, and any necessary third-party resources, such as police, EMTs, or hospitals, to ensure comprehensive and effective intervention.

Please note that while our virtual services provide critical initial support, in-person assistance is crucial for thorough and effective crisis intervention, ensuring the safety and well-being of the student.


New to Virtual Services?

With our extensive expertise in virtual mental health services, we provide top-tier services and support designed to meet the unique needs of students and educators in a digital environment.

When you sign up with us, we will immediately help you set up your virtual environment, whether the setting is at the school or at the student’s home. With our hands-on support, we will help you ensure a successful rollout of your new virtual mental health services.

By leveraging our knowledge and experience, we help schools create a seamless and supportive virtual counseling experience, ensuring that all students receive the care they need in a secure and efficient manner.

Don’t wait to get the support your students deserve. Contact us today to learn more about our mental health counseling services.

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